Christmas Greetings from the Robbins – December 2024

Christmas Greetings from the Robbins – December 2024


Our year began with great thankfulness: both that my dad, appeared to be close to remission from the Lymphoma that had nearly killed him last fall, and that two of us from Water For Life had returned from the first of what we hope will be ongoing engagements with a church network in the Guna Yalla archipelago of 300 islands SE of Panama, (where there are great clean water and sanitation needs), but grateful we made it out in heavy seas on the very last boat before winter storms made access to the islands completely impassible.  

Learning to See Better

Our Kona Campus has long offered staff a tuition-free course every so many years and Dee had taken a course several years ago, but I had never taken advantage of the offer. I’ve often plied my friend Dennis with photography questions over lunch as he has led some 40 of the 3-month School Of Photography courses over the years. He would frequently answer me with “You just need to take the school,” but they often had a long waiting list. Well this year was Dennis’s last year to lead the school, in January I had time and they had room for me. I still had staff responsibilities, but I was amazed at how much I learned. One of our guest instructors summed it well saying, “It’s hard to see what you’re not looking for.” I’ve learned to “see better” and have developed a deeper understanding of light, something we rarely see, but through which we see everything else. I hope to help others see hidden or unrecognized connections to God’s creation, His nature and character.

Serving the needs of our campus and community

The first half of the year, Dee split her time between serving in our YWAM/UofN Campus Gateway office with student registration, new staff on-boarding and student financial aid; and as a Part-time Professional Teacher with Kealakehe Public High School where she has filled In as needed but mostly worked with the many students who arrive with little o no English skills, but need to graduate in 3-4 years. She taught in their summer school and the school administrators and students have commented on the caring relationships she builds.

I (Allan) still volunteer as a KHS STEM mentor, helping with their Regional and State Science Fair and with student field trips. With Hawaii County, I’m still the West Hawaii Community Emergency Response Team Coordinator and teach in their training courses.

On our campus I teach sections in various courses and seminars and though not completely finished, the Water Lab and Outdoor Classroom I’ve been building for the past year was opened and has been being regularly utilized for water-related seminars.

40 Years

It’s hard to believe that I started working with YWAM 40 years ago. Our mission has grown from 2000 staff to some 25,000 worldwide, and though we have our warts and blind spots, it’s been a wonderful group of fellow followers to work with. God has been so faithful and I trust He’s not finished with us yet.


We’ve been saddened this year by the deaths of several dear friends in our mission. Allan traveled to Texas to speak at the memorial for Sandy Tompkins in July (and was able to pop in and see his folks in SW Arkansas). We remain so grateful for the deposit of faith they left in our lives, and we have delighted that we have been able to host a number of visiting staff and guests in our home, which has also been the setting for many evening meals and discussions with staff and friends this year.

Update on our (grown) kids

In June, Benjamin and Lydia were able to come for a visit and then in late August-early September we were able to visit Tabitha in New York City, then take the Amtrak up to see Dee’s family in Cleveland (where Dee had her 45th HS reunion, and then to visit Allan’s folks in Arkansas. 

Benjamin is starting his third year as a Geologist working out of Denver for a Hawaiian-based Environmental Consulting Group, and volunteering with his local church and the Denver CERT team.

Lydia is at Kansas State doing wildlife research, in the midst of completing her Masters in wildlife conservation there, still playing the keyboard and leading worship on occasion.

Tabitha seems excited in her third year working in New York City, as this year has seen her work as a manager at Starbucks on Broadway conclude as her “side gig” job helping manage high-end apartments has expanded. Their management, impressed with her responsibility and initiative, doubled her properties and pay, which is allowing her to more fully pursue training and acting roles on Broadway.

She is also a part of the Gallery Church, which has had a storied past on Manhatton’s Fulton Street, but which now focuses on those in Acting, Media and the Arts.  

Community Development School in the Solomon Islands
(Just east of Papua New Guinea and north of Australia)

For five weeks this fall Dee and I were asked to travel to the Solomon Islands to mentor and teach in the final part of the first UofN Community Development School with 15 wonderful student from the Solomons and Papua New Guinea.

 We taught weeks on Creation Care, Community Health and the Local Church & Development as well as Water For Life approaches throughout all 4 weeks.

We lived on the YWAM base which is located in the midst of the Burns Creek neighborhood, in the capital of Honiara on the Island of Guadalcanal

We attended church just a few hundred yards from the memorial park remembering the Battle of Bloody Ridge where some 16,000 Solomon Islanders and Allied Soldiers died in one of the crucial battles of WWII, but over half of the deaths were from Malaria and Dengue which continue to plague the nation along with child killers like pneumonia and water-born diseases. 

Malaria was still active on the base while we were there and the local church which is well established and devoted, still struggles to relate their faith to many of the difficult issues facing the nation, but getting to know the YWAM staff, many of whom were taking the school we were teaching in, and see their faithfulness and vision for their nation was perhaps the highlight of our time there. We learned so much from them.


When teaching about development we often use the model from Luke 2;52 of how Jesus grew: in Wisdom and in Stature and in Favor with God and in Favor with others. It was fun watching our students with wisdom and great creativity, begin teaching others about the Good News of restored relationships with God, with others and with God’s creation.

A good word for it is flourishing – adequacy at least, but generally more than adequacy, yet rarely affluence. Human flourishing is where all these spiritual, social and physical relationships are restored.

Inspired by Amy Sherman, I like to hold up a pink Baskin Robbins Ice cream sample spoon as a life model: I want my life to be a foretaste of God’s good intentions for those around me.

Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas 

& a Blessed New Year

Emanual – Christ With Us
Allan & Dee

 Our mailing address is:

73-1222 Loloa Dr., Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, USA

Email Address’s:  Allan’s –   Dee’s –

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Were able to see family in Colorado Springs for Christmas.




KHS Science Fair

Pailila Bird Hike




Birding at KMC

Marine Mammal cenSeal Response

Water Lab Outdoor Classroom work


Solar Eclipse

Hosting guests in our home


Jn Stott Birding Day

KHS Cultural Festival

1st Photo Gig for graduates

Day In The Life of Humanities


Dee works at High School Summer school

HVNP camping

Lydia & Benjamin visit for 2 weeks


4 dear friends have diedI

Sandi Tompkins dies

Pickleball with kids and Waddell’s

Allan asked to speak at memorial in Texas July 17-21 See M&D

Seal Response


House Tenting

Install ropes and Shade Sales in Water Lab and Outdoor Classroom

Visit Tabitha in NYC for a week


Took Amtrak from NYC to Cleveland to

Visit Dee’s family & for Dee’s 45th HS reunion) for a week

Visited Dale & Gail in Arkansas 2 weeks

Kona Campus Staff training 3 days


Allan helps lead first CERT training back on UofN Campus in 4 years

And taught on Faith and Science the the Creation Care section of the Truth & Transformation course

Nov – Dec

Wedding of close family friends brings out all 3 of our kids to Kona in the days before we leave for the Solomon Islands.

Updates on our 3 kids

5 week trip to Solomon Islands to teach in their 1st Community Development School

Taught weeks on Creation Care, Community Health and the Local Church & Development as well as Water For Life approaches throughout all 4 weeks.

Living on base which is located in the midst of the Burns Creek neighborhood of the capital of Honiara on the Island of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands


Our trip had required stops in Fiji and the Republic of Kiribati, which has allowed some needed rest and reflection on the year. 

We will be taking Dale & Gail to New Orleans for Christmas to be with mom’s brother’s family for Christmas.